
Sergio Alivernini, Ph.D.

  • mezopotámská matematika
  • dějiny Mezopotámie
  • III. dynastie z Uru




2010  PhD in Philological and Literary Studies about Ancient Near East and pre-Islamic Iran, "Sapienza" University of Rome

           Thesis: The mar-sa in the Administrative Texts of III Dynasty of Ur.

2005  MA in Humanities with specialization in Assyriology, "Sapienza" University of Rome.



2016 –           výzkumný pracovník, Orientální ústav AV ČR

2014 – 2016  Postdoctoral Fellow, Faculty of Arts and Humanities - "Sapienza" University of Rome

2013              Visiting Scholar at Seminar für Sprachen und Kulturen des Vorderen Orients - Ruprecht-Karls-Universität-Heidelberg



Mezinárodní spolupráce

  • leden 2018 –  Co-investigator (regional group "Mesopotamia"), "Economic Complexity in the Ancient Near East. Management of Resources and Taxation in the 3rd and 2nd Millennium BC", financed by Czech Science Foundation. Hlavní řešitel Prof. Jana Mynářová
  • 2011 –            (epigrapher), archeologický výzkum v Abu Tubairah (provincie Dhi Qar, jižní Irák), vedoucí výzkumu Abdulamir al-Hamdani (State Board of Antiquities and Heritage) a Franco D'Agostino ("Sapienza" University of Rome).
  • 2006 - 2012   katalogizace a editace nepublikovaných textů z 3. dynastie z Uru z Ummy and Girsu v Britském muzeu (British Museum / "Sapienza" University of Rome / University of Messina).


Přednášky a semináře

  • 26.-28.4. 2017 Management and Use of Water Resources in Mesopotamia at the end of III Millennium,in ORIENTALIA ANTIQUA NOVA XVII. (Conference organized by University of West Bohemia). Plzeň – Czech Republic.
  • 30-31.5. 2013  Mesopotamian Account System in the III Millennium: the Use of Mathematics in the Administration, Numerical System and Measurements, in HISTORY OF MATHEMATICS FROM BABYLON TO GÖTTINGEN (Seminar organized by the Interdisciplinary Center for Scientific Computing - Ruprecht-Karls-Universität-Heidelberg). Heidelberg - Germany.
  • 15.11. 2012  The Shipyards of Ĝirsu and Umma during Third Dynasty of Ur: Documentation and Administration, in RICERCHE SUI DOCUMENTI ECONOMICI A CAVALLO DELLA FINE DEL III MILLENNIO (Seminar organized by the Chair of Assyriology of "Sapienza" University of Rome). Rome - Italy.
  • 11.5. 2012  The Mathematical Knowledge during the III Dynasty of Ur in the Light of Land Surveying Texts, in LAND REGISTERS AND SURVEYORS, MEASURING LENGHTS AND AREAS (Seminar organized in the frame of project SAW - MATHEMATICAL SCIENCES IN THE ANCIENT WORLD - 
New Theoretical Approaches to the Sources 
and Socio-Political Issues of the Present Day). Paris - France.
  • 2010. Toward a Knowledge Based Approach to the Sumerian Culture, in III INCONTRO DI FILOGIA DIGITALE (Seminar organized by the Department of Philology, Literature and Linguistics, Faculty of Humanities and Philosophy, Università degli Studi di Verona). Verona - Italy.



  • May 6th-7th, 2019. Management of Resources and Taxation in an Early Mesopotamia Empire: the Case of the Third Dynasty of Ur in ECONOMIC COMPLEXITY IN THE ANCIENT NEAR EAST. MANAGEMENT OF RESOURCES AND TAXATION IN THE 3rd and 2nd MILLENNIUM BC. (International workshop organized by the Oriental Institute of the Czech Academy of Sciences and Charles University in Prague). Prague
    July 16th-20th, 2018. The management of earthmoving linked to hydraulic works in Southern Mesopotamia at the end of 3rd millennium BCE, in “64th RENCONTRE ASSYRIOLOGIQUE INTERNATIONALE”. Innsbruck - Austria
  • Jun 8th-11th, 2011. Arma, Stratega e Fido Consigliere: Šarur nella Tradizione Letteraria Mesopotamica, in MONSTRA - COSTRUZIONE E PERCEZIONE DELLE ENTITÁ IBRIDE E MOSTRUOSE NEL MEDITERRANEO ANTICO. Velletri (RM) - Italy
  • Jul 22nd-24th, 2010. The Management of an Administrative Structure in Ur III Mesopotamia: the Case of "mar-sa", in FROM THE 21st CENTURY BC TO 21st CENTURY AD: THE PRESENT AND FUTURE OF NEO-SUMERIAN STUDIES. Madrid - Spain.


Granty a stipendia

  • Jul 2015 - Jun 2016   Postdoctoral fellowship from Gerda Henkel Foundation at "Sapienza" University of Rome.
  • Jan 2013 - Oct 2013  Postdoctoral scholarship from DAAD (Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst - German Academic Exchange Service) at Ruprecht-Karls-Universität-Heidelberg.
  • Jan 2007 - Jul 2007  Research fellowship from "Sapienza" University of Rome to study at CSIC (Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Cientificas - Spanish National Research Council) in Madrid.