Když pražské kulturní instituce nepřistupují na dehumanizační diskurz
Adéla Provazníková v analytickém komentáři na serveru Alarm pojednala několik nedávných kontroverzí spojených s českou pozicí vůči izraelsko-palestinskému konfliktu. ...
Founded in 1922, the Oriental Institute is one of Europe’s oldest institutions dedicated to studying the politics, societies, and cultures of “the Orient.” The Institute is divided into three departments (Middle East, South Asia, East Asia), employs scholars specializing in the study of the Arab world, Iran, Israel, Turkey, the Ottoman Empire, the ancient Near East, India, Central Asia, Southeast Asia, China, and Japan, and houses a library with more than 230,000 items. Originally established by an act of the Czechoslovak Parliament, the Oriental Institute operates under the auspices of the Czech Academy of Sciences and is tasked with promoting cutting-edge and interdisciplinary research that seeks to advance scientific knowledge at the international and national levels. ...more...