Fri Sep 30 17:00:00 CEST 2022 - Fri Sep 30 22:00:00 CEST 2022
Mysterious, elusive and convoluted. That may sometimes be your impression of science, but not on Researchers’ Night!
A night when science and scientists show you their true face.
Orientální ústav AV ČR / Oriental Institute CAS joins the European Researchers’ night (on Sept. 30 from 5 pm) with an event that will take place in the centre of Prague in the enchanting Střelecký island. The event will feature a reading from "The description of the Sights of Egypt" by the famous scholar and writer al-Maqrizi (1364-1442), and a concert by Heschek beschek, a female band whose members come from different Arab cultural backgrounds, and much more!