
General Library

Orientální ústav AV ČR
Pod Vodárenskou věží 2
182 08 Praha 8

Opening Hours


Tuesday 9:00-17:00
Friday 9:00-17:00


Head Librarian

Supervising Librarian for Reference Services

Supervising Librarian for Reference Services

Reference Services

The Reference Services Department of the Oriental Institute Library supports users’ academic and research needs by assisting with inquiries, offering research guidance, and providing instructional support on using library resources. It helps patrons find print and electronic materials, including specialized databases for Middle Eastern and Asian Studies, and offers Interlibrary Loan (ILL) and document delivery services for materials not available in the collection. Additionally, the department manages the loan, reservation, and renewal of books, ensuring efficient access to library resources.




With over 200,000 volumes (including periodicals and manuscripts), the Institute’s library is one of the largest libraries within the Academy of Sciences. The library collections include mainly publications on history, literatures, languages, religions, and cultures of the countries of Asia and Africa.
Card Catalogue of the Oriental Institute (contains books acquired by 1991)