
CALL FOR SUBMISSIONS: 9/11 and gender or the MENA region

Fri Apr 19 11:25:23 CEST 2024

The 9/11 Legacies Project is seeking 900-1200 word contributions that map the untold, forgotten, and marginalized legacies of how 9/11 and the Global War on Terror continue to impact politics, culture, and societies around the world today.  We are particularly interested in submissions that either deal with gender or the MENA region.


Contributions should be able to fit into one of the following pre-existing project categories:

  1. Muslim Networks

  2. Counterinsurgency Strategies

  3. Knowledge and Cultural Production

  4. Capital Flows and Patronage Networks

  5. Rise of Authoritarianism 

  6. Semantics and the Language of Terror

  7. Islamism and Internationalism


Interested applicants should send a short title, abstract (no more than 200 words), and a 2-3 sentence bio to by June 15, 2024. Final submissions due July 15, 2024. Selected submissions will be compensated $125 USD. Essays will appear on the 9/11 Legacies Project interactive website and the in e-book Legacies of 9/11 and the Global War on Terror: Volume 2.


For more information about the project and the types of essays we publish, please visit: 

About the 9/11 Legacies Project:

Can we write about the Global War on Terror (GWOT) in the past tense? With ongoing talk of a return to great power rivalry, the U.S. withdrawal from Afghanistan and Iraq, and the primacy of combating a global pandemic, many Western governments are eager to frame  the war-on-terror era as over. But even if the formal infrastructure of war retracts, the social relations, logics, and material resources from the planetary war are set to shape our collective futures. Long after the departure of European empires in the mid-20th century, the postcolonial world remained beholden to colonial-era structures and norms. Likewise, the legacies of the GWOT—its laws, language, cultural norms, political hierarchies, and material artifacts— will reverberate across global, national, and local scales in the decades to come. The 9/11 Legacies project presents a diverse set of perspectives from across academia, policy circles, and journalism to reflect on the more enduring, subtle, and (at times) pernicious legacies of 9/11 and the Global War on Terror. The project seeks to answer one overarching question: in what ways will our post-GWOT era be shaped by the Global War on Terror?

The 9/11 Legacies project was established on the 20th anniversary of 9/11 by Ameem Lutfi (Assistant Professor in History and Anthropology, Lahore University of Management Sciences) and Kevin L. Schwartz (Deputy Director, Oriental Institute, Czech Academy of Sciences).