
Ondřej Klimeš with Martin Hála and Filip Jirouš published an article “Borrowed Boats Capsizing: State Security Ties to CCP Propaganda Laundering Rile Czech Public” on Jamestown China Brief.

Sat Dec 04 12:53:42 CET 2021

New revelations on the laundering of Chinese Communist Party (CCP) propaganda through local actors in the Czech Republic point to an underresearched aspect of influence operations. The CCP’s tactic of “borrowing a boat to go out to sea” (借船出海, jie chuan chu hai), i.e., coopting local media outlets to serve as proxies, has long been known to involve organs in the party’s propaganda system (China Journalist, October 9, 2011; CPI, July 2015).  Further scrutiny of laundered propaganda operations now indicates the Ministry of State Security’s (MSS, 国家安全部, Guojia Anquan Bu) role in efforts to coopt influential voices in media and academia abroad. In the Czech Republic, these operations involve former collaborators of the MSS’s defunct Czechoslovak equivalent, a nexus that suggests the People’s Republic of China’s (PRC) intelligence apparatus is reactivating elements from communist-era security agencies.

Read the full article: Borrowed Boats Capsizing: State Security Ties to CCP Propaganda Laundering Rile Czech Public