Tamil exspressivity, Tamil novels and short stories, Dalit literature, Dalit movement, castes in Tamilnadu
Phd.: Charles University in Prague, Faculty of Arts; Languages of Asian and African countries, dissertation thesis: Reduplicative constructions in Tamil, (defended 2010)
MA.: Charles University in Prague, Faculty of Arts; Indology, specialization in Tamil (completed 2004)
2008 – till now Oriental Institute ASCR
2005 – 2007 Charles University in Prague, Faculty of Arts, Department of South and Central Asia
assistant editor of Archiv orientální
teaching at Charles University in Prague; courses taught: Tamil language, Classical Tamil (language and texts), Introduction to the studies of Indology, Dalit movement in India, Language politics in India
Strategy AV1. Research programme Identities in the World of Wars and Crises. „Caste and Identity in Contemporary India“. 2024
GAČR (Czech Science foundation) Disadvantaged Communities in South India. Their Emancipation and the Building of New Identities. 16-02363S, (2016-18).
Caste and Identity in Contemporary India. Praha 19. 6. 2024. „Building caste identity through literature – Dalit writing a bit differently“
Dalit Politics at the Crossroads. Praha 14. 7. 2022 „From Mallar to Pallar and Back: Ideology of DevendrakulaVelalar.“
A Symposium in Memory of CREA Ramakrishnan: Creating a Book Culture in Contemporary Tamil Community. (Videoconference) 20.-24. 4. 2021.Pavel Hons: “Contemporary Tamil Language and Literature – A view of an ‘outsider’”
Why is it important to talk about caste. (Videoconference) 17-18. 9. 2021. Pavel Hons: “Emancipation strategies of Dalits”
Politics, Religion and Modernities in India. Praha 29. 4. 2019: “Dalit votes: Will they decide?”
International Symposium on Cultural Inclusion, Praha,8.12.2017 - 9.12.2017: "Writing caste histories: A part of Dalits’ emancipation struggle."
Contemporary India: Challenges and Prospects. Vilnius, 7. - 8.10. 2013. "Dalit movement in Tamil Nadu: Paraiyans and others."
Nature, Environment, Sustainable Development: the Case for India. MUP, 24.10. 2014. "Nature as a shield. Natural phenomena in the works on dalits."
Pandanus 13. International Semiar on Nature in Literature, Art, Myth and Ritual. Praha, 30.5. - 1.6. 2013. "Attitude towards nature in selected works of contemporary Tamil writers."
Skupiny znevýhodněných v jižní a východní Asii. 5. konference Kulturní a sociální antropologie východní Asie, Katedra asijských studií FF UP, 25.11. 2011, Olomouc. "Formy emancipace a resistence dalitů v Indii."
Indian Culture and Society in Current Research in Central and Eastern Europe. International CEENIS conference, 27. - 29.10. 2011, Warsaw. "Literature - a way of strengthening Dalit identity."