
Mgr. Pavel Hons, Ph.D.

  • Tamil language, Tamil literature, Indian society
  • Tamil exspressivity, Tamil novels and short stories, Dalit literature, Dalit movement, castes in Tamilnadu
  • Phd.: Charles University in Prague, Faculty of Arts; Languages of Asian and African countries, dissertation thesis: Reduplicative constructions in Tamil, (defended 2010)
  • MA.: Charles University in Prague, Faculty of Arts; Indology, specialization in Tamil (completed 2004)
  • 2008 – till now       Oriental Institute ASCR
  • 2005 – 2007           Charles University in Prague, Faculty of Arts, Department of South and Central Asia
  • assistant editor of Archiv orientální
  • teaching at Charles University in Prague; courses taught: Tamil language, Classical Tamil (language and texts), Introduction to the studies of Indology, Dalit movement in India, Language politics in India
  • Strategy AV1. Research programme Identities in the World of Wars and Crises. „Caste and Identity in Contemporary India“. 2024 
  • GAČR (Czech Science foundation) Disadvantaged Communities in South India. Their Emancipation and the Building of New Identities. 16-02363S, (2016-18).
  • Caste and Identity in Contemporary India. Praha 19. 6. 2024. „Building caste identity through literature – Dalit writing a bit differently“ 
  • Dalit Politics at the Crossroads. Praha 14. 7. 2022 „From Mallar to Pallar and Back: Ideology of Devendrakula Velalar.“  
  • A Symposium in Memory of CREA Ramakrishnan: Creating a Book Culture in Contemporary Tamil Community. (Videoconference) 20.-24. 4. 2021. Pavel Hons: Contemporary Tamil Language and Literature – A view of an ‘outsider’” 
  • Why is it important to talk about caste. (Videoconference) 17-18. 9. 2021. Pavel Hons: “Emancipation strategies of Dalits”  
  • Politics, Religion and Modernities in India. Praha 29. 4. 2019: “Dalit votes: Will they decide?”
  • International Symposium on Cultural Inclusion, Praha,8.12.2017 - 9.12.2017: "Writing caste histories: A part of Dalits’ emancipation struggle."
  • Contemporary India: Challenges and Prospects. Vilnius, 7. - 8.10. 2013. "Dalit movement in Tamil Nadu: Paraiyans and others."
  • Nature, Environment, Sustainable Development: the Case for India. MUP, 24.10. 2014. "Nature as a shield. Natural phenomena in the works on dalits."
  • Pandanus 13. International Semiar on Nature in Literature, Art, Myth and Ritual. Praha, 30.5. - 1.6. 2013. "Attitude towards nature in selected works of contemporary Tamil writers."
  • Skupiny znevýhodněných v jižní a východní Asii. 5. konference Kulturní a sociální antropologie východní Asie, Katedra asijských studií FF UP, 25.11. 2011, Olomouc. "Formy emancipace a resistence dalitů v Indii."
  • Indian Culture and Society in Current Research in Central and Eastern Europe. International CEENIS conference, 27. - 29.10. 2011, Warsaw. "Literature - a way of strengthening Dalit identity."