Early Chinese intellectual history (4th-1st c. BCE)
Classical Chinese language and philology
Textual history: genesis and stratification of early Chinese writings
Cultural history of early China
Discipleship in early China
Courage in early China
2005-2010 doctoral student in the Faculty of Asian and Middle Eastern Studies (FAMES), University of Cambridge
2000-2004 graduate studies in the Asia and Africa Institute (AAI) of the University of Hamburg
1998-2000 language studies at the Mandarin Training Centre of National Taiwan Normal University
1996-1998 undergraduate studies in the Asia and Africa Institute (AAI) of the University of Hamburg
2013-today research fellow, Oriental Institute, Czech Academy of Sciences, Prague
2012-2013 teaching fellow at Masaryk University, Brno.
2009-2011 teaching fellow at the School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London.
2009-2010 substitute teaching and supervisions at the University of Cambridge
2008 fixed-term assistantship at the University of Zurich.
2006-2007 substitute teaching and supervisions at the University of Cambridge.
2002-2003 tutor for Classical Chinese, University of Hamburg.
2014 Taiwan Fellowship, awarded by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Taiwan, for a three-month research stay at the Institute of History and Philology at the Academia Sinica, Taipei, Sep.-Nov. 2015.