Czech Maverick: On the Centennial of Harry J. Benda, the Founding Father of ISEAS. EUROSEAS, 2019, Humboldt Universität, Berlin
“From bahasa revolusi to bahasa reformasi and beyond: Indonesian as a vital political and state-making tool”. Association of Asian Studies Annual Conference, Washington, D.C.
Limited possibilities for Chinese public diplomacy in Malaysia. The Asian and the Central European models tested: learning from the past, sharing for the future, Oriental Business and Innovation Center, Budapest Business School, May 17-18th, 2017
The Impact of Political Ideologies on the Lexical Development of Indonesian: From bahasa revolusi to bahasa pejabat. Language, Power and Identity in Asia: Creating and Crossing Language Boundaries, March 14-16, 2016, IIAS Leiden, the Netherlands
Walking a fine line: reflections on China´s cultural diplomacy in Malaysia. NFU Conference 2016: Beyond North and South: Constructing Global Governance for the 21st Century, panel Asian Transformations, November 24-25, 2016, University of Oslo
A curious trajectory of inter-race relations: the transformation of 'cosmopolitan' Malay port polities into the multiethnic divisions of modern Malaysia. Conference on Asian Studies, November 4, 2016, Palacký University in Olomouc, Czechia
Islamic Vigilantes in Indonesia: A Serious Threat or a Spent Force?, EUROSEAS Conference, August 2015, Wien
The Malay World as Part of the Persian Cosmopolis. Intra-Asian Connections: Interactions, Flows, Landscape. October 2014, Asian Dynamics Initiative, University of Copenhagen
Indonesia´s controversial image(-building): between ostensible pluralism and the harsh realities of religious intolerance. ASEASUK 2014 Conference, September 2014, University of Brighton
Islamic Vigilantes in Indonesia: a Threat for the Democratic Discourse or a Spent Force? 3rd Annual Symposium on Southeast Asian Studies, March 2014, Keble College, University of Oxford
Bahasa Indonesia as a Political Tool: From the Language of the Revolution to Bureaucratic Officialese. International Symposium on Language and Communication: Exploring Novelties, June 17-19th 2013, Izmir University, Turkey
The Curious Trajectory Of Inter-Ethnic Relations in Malaysia, 2nd Annual Symposium on Southeast Asian Studies, March 9-10th 2013, Project Southeast Asia, St Anne´s College, University of Oxford
The Evolution of the Indonesian Jago: from Bandits to Gangsters to Vigilantes, June 13th 2012, Orientalisches Seminar, Universität zu Köln (invited lecture)
The Transformation Of Cosmopolitan Malay Port Polities Into The Multiethnic Divisions Of Modern Malaysia, ISEAC Cosmopolitan Conference, February 16-18th 2012, Australian National University, Canberra
Indonesia´s Democracy under Threat? Gangsters and Vigilantes and Their Impact on the Crisis of Governance. Workshop ´State and Statehood of the Global South´, at Rethinking Global Inequalities: Development (Studies) in Discourse, Critique and Practice Conference, October 28-29th 2011, Wien Universität
Gangsters and Vigilantes as a Threat for Indonesia´s Democracy and Plurality, May 20th 2011, ICIRD 2011, Thammasat University, Bangkok
Indonesia´s Post-1998 Transformation. International Colloquium, September 16th 2009, University of Aarhus