
PhDr. Hana Třísková, Ph.D.

Link to my personal page:
  • phonetics and phonology of Modern Standard Chinese (Mandarin); methodology of teaching Mandarin pronunciation
  • current research topics: prosody of Mandarin; prosodic weakening in Mandarin monosyllabic functional words; prosodic transcription for colloquial Mandarin (CHIPROT)
  • 2010 Ph.D.; doctoral dissertation Segmentální struktura čínské slabiky [Segmental structure of the Mandarin syllable]
  • 1983–1985 Beijing University, Department of Chinese language and literature
  • 1978–1983 Charles University Prague, Faculty of Arts (Sinology)
work experience
  • 1982 to date: Oriental Institute, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic
stays abroad
  • 2024/10 P.R.C. Beijing, 5x lecture 1. Beijing Language and Culture University; 2. Capital Normal University (tutorials on Chinese prosody; Commonly weakened morphemes). poster BLCU1 CW,  poster BLCU2_FSL, poster SSD_JHY     
  • 2019/5 P.R.C. – Beijing, lecture ‘Chinese prosodic transcription (CHIPROT) – a proposal’. 1. Institute of Linguistics, CASS; 2. Beijing Language and Culture University; 3. Capital Normal University. abstract Perception tests (stress).
  • 2018/6 Taiwan, Academia Sinica, Institute of Linguistics: lecture ‘Is the glass half-full, or half-empty? The reverse concept of Chinese stress’ (Jun 21) abstract
  • 2018/6 Hongkong, CASLAR-5 conference (see Conferences); the Chinese University of Hong Kong, lecture ‘Is the glass half-full, or half-empty? The reverse concept of Chinese stress’ (Jun 13) poster
  • 2016 Austria – University of Vienna, Dept. of East Asian Studies. Lecture ‘The functions of de-stress in Mandarin Chinese’ (Dec. 7)
  • 2016 P.R.C. – 1. Beijing, Institute of Linguistics (CASS); 2. Beijing Language and Culture University; 3. Capital Normal University; 4. Beijing University, School of Chinese as a Second Language. Lecture ‘The functions of de-stress in Mandarin Chinese’
  • 2015 USA – University of California, Berkeley – EALC (East Asian Languages and Cultures Department); lecture (financed by Chinet)
  • 2014 P.R.C. – 1. Beijing, Institute of Linguistics (CASS), Phonetic laboratory; 2. Beijing Language and Culture University, College of Chinese Studies (Hanyu xueyuan); lecture: ‘Weak form words in pǔtōnghuà’; 3. Capital Normal University (Shoudu Shifan Daxue); lecture: ‘Teaching the Sounds of Standard Chinese (pǔtōnghuà)’
  • 2012 Australia – 1. The University of Melbourne, Melbourne Grad. School of Education, Chinese Teacher Training Centre; 2. The University of Sydney, Dept. of Chinese Studies
  • 2011 P.R.C. – 1. Beijing, Institute of Linguistics (CASS), phonetic laboratory; 2. Beijing Language and Culture University, Center for Teaching Chinese as a Second Language
  • 2011 P.R.C. – 1. Beijing, Institute of Linguistics (CASS); 2. Beijing, BLCU, CTCSL;    3. Tianjin, Nankai University
  • 2010 P.R.C. – 1. Beijing, Institute of Linguistics (CASS); 2. Beijing, BLCU, CTCSL
  • 2009 UK – SOAS London - Library travel grant (CCK Foundation)
  • 2008 P.R.C.  – 1. Beijing, Institute of Linguistics (CASS); 2. BLCU, CTCSL; 3. Tianjin, Nankai University. Lecture ‘Are the Mandarin retroflex initial consonants really retroflex? Are the palatals really palatal? ... The notes on terminology
  • 2005 The Netherlands - Leiden University Summer School of Linguistics (LOT). 
  • 2004 P.R.C.  – Beijing, Institute of Linguistics (CASS)
  • 2000 P.R.C.  – 1. Beijing, Institute of Linguistics (CASS); 2. Hangzhou, Zhejiang Univ.
teaching experience
  • 2017-2025 Prosody of spoken Mandarin: Charles University, Prague, Institute of East Asian Studies
  • 2014-2015 Phonetics of connected Mandarin (Masaryk University, Brno) 
  • 2011–2013 Mandarin phonetics in a nutshell: a course for the students of the Institute of East Asian Studies, Charles University (Oriental Institute)  
  • 2007–2008 A course of Mandarin phonetics (Oriental Institute)
  • 1997–2005 A course of Mandarin phonetics (Institute of East Asian Studies, Charles University, Prague)
  • 2024: 16th Czech and Slovac Sinological conference. Prague, Charles University. Nov. 16 –17. Paper: ,Zdalipak je výslovnost v učebnicích čínštiny zanedbávaným tématem?’ [Is pronunciation a neglected topic in Chinese textbooks?]  
  • 2023: 9th International Conference on Prosodic Grammar (ICPG-9). USA, San Francisco. Organizers: University of SF; BLCU. July 15–16. Keynote speech: ‘Methodology of teaching prosody in Chinese as a second language: an uncharted territory’ abstract
  • 2022: 15th. Czech and Slovac Sinological conference. Brno, Masaryk University, Nov. 12–13. Paper: ,Predikce morfémů, které se v souvislé řeči často oslabují (commonly weakened morphemes)’ [Prediction of commonly weakened morphemes in Chinese] abstract
  • 2022: CASS Forum: International symposium on frontier issues of phonetics in the new era. ČLR, Peking. Institute of Linguistics CASS, Peking University. On-line. Oct. 20– 21. Keynote speech: ‘Annotating Chinese prosody: Chinese Prosodic Transcription (CHIPROT) and the prediction of commonly weakened morphemes’ abstract, 
  • 2022: Study days on Chinese Linguistics-7. Associazione Italiana di Linguistica Cinese (AILC). Italy, University of Bergamo. Sept. 9–10. Paper: ‘Let´s mind features of connected speech: Chinese prosodic transcription CHIPROT’. abstract 
  • 2021: 14th Czech and Slovak Sinological Conference. Prague, Oriental Institute, Nov. 12–13. Paper: ‘CHIPROT – několik vět. Procvičení prozodické transkripce’ [CHIPROT – several utterances. Exercising prosodic transcription].
  • 2021: 6th International Conference on Chinese as a Second Language Research (CASLAR-6). On-line. The George Washington University, USA. July 30-August 1. Paper: ‘Speak Mandarin in a “hǎotīng” way: a new textbook on Mandarin prosody’. abstract  Holding the workshop “Chinese prosodic transcription (CHIPROT) for teaching purposes—a cookbook” abstract
  • 2021: 7th International Conference on Prosodic Grammar (ICPG-7). On-line. Organizers: BLCU a Tianjian University, April 17-18. Keynote speech: ‘CHIPROT – Chinese prosodic transcription’. astract
  • 2019: 13th Czech and Slovak Sinological Conference. Palacký University Olomouc, Nov. 23. Paper: ,Testování percepce přízvuku v čínštině’ [Perception tests for stress in Mandarin]
  • 2018: 5th International Conference on Chinese as a Second Language Research (CASLAR-5). The University of Hong Kong, CACLER, 14. – 16. 6. Paper: ‘Chinese prosodic transcription – a proposal’ abstract
  • 2018: 12th Czech and Slovak Sinological Conference. Praha, ÚDLV FF UK, 23. – 24. 11. Paper: ,Prozodická transkripce pro čínštinu (CHIPROT) – návrh’ [Prosodic transcription for Chinese – a proposal]
  • 2017: 11th Czech and Slovak Sinological Conference. Komenský University Bratislava, Nov.  24. Paper: ,Prozodická tranksripce pro čínštinu: diskuse s transkripcí O. Švarného’ [Prosodic transcription for Chinese: discussion with the trasncription systém of O. Švarný]
  • 2017: 20th Biennial Conference of the Chinese Language Teachers Association of Germany, Austria and Switzerland. University of Vienna, Sept, 7–9. Paper: ‘Searching for word stress in Chinese: a hunt for the Yeti?’
  • 2016: 10th Czech and Slovak Sinological Conference. Masaryk University Brno, Nov. 25–26. Paper: ,Slovní přízvuk v čínštině: honba za Yettim?’ [Searching for word stress in Chinese: a hunt for the Yeti?].
  • 2016: 4th International Conference on Chinese as a Second Language Research (CASLAR). P.R.C., Shanghai, East China Normal University, Aug. 16–25. Paper: ‘Mandarin Chinese: stress or de-stress?
  • 2015: 9th Czech and Slovak Sinological Conference. Oriental Institute AV ČR Prague, Nov. 2015. Paper: ,Čínština: přízvuk, nebo „odzvuk“?’ [Mandarin Chinese: stress or de-stress?]
  • 2015: The 27th North American Conference on Chinese Linguistics (NACCL-27). The University of California, Los Angeles. April 2015. Paper: ‘De-stressed words in Mandarin – a parallel with English’ (financed by Chinet)
  • 2014: 8th Czech and Slovak Sinological Conference. Palacký University, Olomouc. Nov. 2014. Paper: ‘Teaching Mandarin Pronunciation: Basic Types of Phonetic Chunks’ see also Peer-reviewed articles
  • 2014: 3rd International Conference on Chinese as a Second Language Research (CASLAR). Aug. 2014, Italy, University of Parma. Paper: ‘De-stress in Mandarin: Clitics, Cliticoids and Speech Minichunks
  • 2017: 7th Czech-Slovak Sinological Conference. Komenský University, Bratislava, Nov. 2013. Paper: ,Minimoduly – pomocníci ve výuce mluvené čínšiny‘ [Minimodules – an aid in teaching spoken Mandarin]
  • 2012: 6th Czech-Slovak Sinological Conference. Charles University, Prague, Nov. 2012. Paper: ,Klitika a klitikoidy – nenápadní budovatelé rytmu mluvené čínštiny‘ [Clitics and cliticoids – the inconspicuous builders of rhythm of spoken Mandarin]
  • 2012: The University of Melbourne, Chinese Teacher Training Centre, Annual Forum: Foundations of Speaking L2 Chinese. Melbourne, Oct. 2012. Keynote speech: ‘Teaching the sounds of Standard Chinese: goals and challenges.’
  • 2011: 5th Czech-Slovak Sinological Conference. Masaryk University, Brno, Nov. 2011. Paper: ,Aspirované souhlásky v čínštině a angličtině – srovnání’.
  • 2011: Seminar of the Phonetic Association of China “Phonetics and speech perception”. Beijing, IL CASS, May 2011. Paper: ‘Aspirated stops: the situation in Mandarin, English and Czech’.


  • 2024: testing effectiveness of prosodic transcription CHIPROT in TCSLin cooperation with the University of Connecticut (Yang Chunsheng;March, April); 4 tutorials on Chinese prosody  tutorials_www link 
  • 2023: holding an on-line workshop "Speaking Chinese fluently and naturally: introduction to prosodic transcription CHIPROT". For The Chinese Language Teachers Association (USA). Organizers: CLTA, University of Connecticut. June 21. flyer , video
  • 2022: holding an on-line workshop “Utterance-level prosody teaching: A hands-on workshop on CHIPROT”. For The Chinese Language Teachers Association (USA). Organizers: CLTA, University of Connecticut. Sept. 30. flyer   
  • 2022: holding a workshop “Speaking Chinese fluently and naturally: introduction to prosodic transcription CHIPROT”. Universität Wien, May 18  abstract
  • 2020: holding a seminar „Nové didaktické metody pro výuku hovorové čínštiny“ [New didactical methods for teaching colloquial Chinese]. Prague Sept. 9., Olomouc Sept. 22 abstract
  • 2017: “Prozodie hovorové čínštiny“ [Prosody of Spoken Chinese] – workshop for the university students of Sinology. June 22–24. (organized by the Oriental Institute).
  • 2017: International Summer School: Teaching Chinese as a Second Language (organized by Chinet). Olomouc, Palacký University. Lecture ‘The functions of de-stress, de-stressed function words’
  • 2015: International Summer School of Chinese Linguistics (organized by Chinet). Olomouc, Palacký University
  • 2014: International Summer School of Chinese Linguistics (organized by Chinet). Olomouc, Palacký University.
membership in professional associations
  • 1994 to date: member of the European Association of Sinological Studies (EACS)
  • 2012 to date: member of the Prague Linguistic Circle
  • 1996–2000: member of the EACS board
  • 1996–2008: member of the editorial board of Nový Orient