
Giedrė Šabasevičiūtė, Ph.D.


  • Sociologie uměleckých profesí
  • Materialita literárních světů (kulturní paláce, média psaní, knihy atd.)
  • Sociální třídy
  • Dekoloniální dějiny Blízkého východusociologie intelektuálů



  • 2015 Ph.D., sociologie, EHESS (Paris)  – dizertace “Du littéraire au religieux en passant par le politique. Une trajectoire d’engagement intellectuel en contexte révolutionnaire. Le cas de Sayyid Qutb (1906-1966)”
  • 2008 MA, sociologie (EHESS, Paris)
  • 2006 BA, arabština a arabská literatura (Sorbonne IV, Paris)
  • 2004 BA, etnologie (Vilnius University)



  • od 2015 – výzkumná pracovnice, Orientální ústav AV ČR
  • 2017 (listopad-prosinec)   – stáž, Berlin Graduate School of Muslim Cultures and Societies.
  • 2015 – přednášející, Vilnius University, Vilnius; Vytautas Magnus University, Kaunas (Litva)
  • 2011-2013 – doktorandka, CEDEJ (Káhira)



  • 2022 – Cena Akademie věd ČR za mimořádné výsledky výzkumu za knihu Sayyid Qutb. An Intellectual Biography (2021: Syracuse University Press).





  • od 2022: Professionalization in the arts in Europe and the Middle East. A research cooperation between Oriental Institute, IREMAM (Aix-en-Province) and University Paris 8 (Paris).
  • od 2020: EGYCLASS, CNRS IRN, CEDEJ. Research network dedicated to the study of social class in Egypt. Co-coordination of a research axis “Egyptian elites”.
  • od 2019: Power and Strategies of Social and Political Order. Contribution with a research project “Writing Fiction in Cairo: Gender, Class, and Cultural Bureaucracy.”



  • od 2020. Členka redakční rady časopisu Egypte, Soudan, Mondes Arabes (ESMA) publikovaného CEDEJ (Cairo).
  • od 2020. Spoluredaktorka vědecké sekce časopisu ESMA “Sources and Documents.”



  • 2024: “In the Cracks of the Welfare State. Midlife and Literary Self-Reinvention in Cairo”, ZMO Seminar, Berin, Germany, May 24.
  • 2023: “Writers, Not Civil Servants. Running Culture Palaces in Cairo”, MESA, Montreal, Canada, November 2.
  • 2023: "Cultural Life in the Cracks of the Projects. The Development of Culture Palaces under Nasser and al-Sisi." The BRISMES Conference, Exeter, UK, 3-5 July.
  • 2022: “The Currency of Literature”: Writers and the Practice of Takrim in Cairo’s Literary Clubs”, Cultural Capital and Class Recognition, CEDEJ, 9 November, Cairo.
  • 2022: "L’Etat se retire : La fabrication du « chez soi littéraire » au sein des Palais de la culture au Caire", Forum Insaniyyat, 22 September, Tunis.
  • 2022: “Out of Place: Class Aspirations and Mobilities among Contemporary Egyptian Fiction Writers”, SeSaMO Italia, Naples, June 23.
  • 2022: “Born Again Readers. Women and the Rediscovery of Reading at Midlife in Cairo”, AGYA workshop, Cairo, April 6.
  • 2021: "Subverting the Institutional Work. Cairo's Literary Clubs and the Practice of Takrim (Honoring)", MESA, December 1 (online).
  • "High Art Unites Us. Dealing with Political Divisions in Cairo’s Literary Clubs", MESA, Nouveau Orleans, United States of America, November 16.
  • 2019: "Fantasies of Housewives. Women Writers and the Cultural Milieu in Cairo", Beyond Text. Anthropological Approaches to Literature, L’Institut Oriental, Prague, October 17.
  • 2018: "A Reflection of the Soul: the Method for Islamic Literature in Sayyid and Muhammad Qutbs' Writings", WOCMES 2018, Sevilla, Spain, July 17.
  • "The People vs. Sayyid Qutb: The Media Campaigns in 1954, 1965 and 2013", the 25th Annual Congress of Davo, Frankfurt, Germany, October 4.
  • "Translating the 1919 Uprising in Egypt: Between Local and Transnational Intellectual Fields", 5th European Congress of World and Global History, Budapest, Hungary, September 2.



2024 květen – hostující vědecká pracovnice Leibniz-Zentrum Moderner Orient (ZMO), Berlin.