
Melania Zingarello, PhD

  • Early Bronze Age Mesopotamian Societies and Material Culture
  • Third Millennium BCE Chronology
  • Pottery and Cultural Dynamics
  • Pottery Typology and Functional Analysis
  • Ancient Beer Studies
  • Fermented Beverages and Early States


  • 2017-2020: PhD in Ancient World Studies – Archaeology, University of Strasbourg (France). Thesis: “Anatomy of a Time and Space: Dynamics of the Ceramic Evolution at the Dawn of the Akkadian Phenomenon in Early Dynastic Mesopotamia” (in French)
  • 2012-2017: Joint doctoral project in Near Eastern Archaeology, Sapienza, University of Rome and the University of Paris 1 – Panthéon-Sorbonne
  • 2010: MA in Near Eastern Archaeology, Sapienza, University of Rome
  • 2007: BA in Archaeology, Sapienza, University of Rome


Academic Career

  • Since February 2023: Postdoctoral Fellow at the Oriental Institute, Czech Academy of Sciences
  • 2021-2023: Postdoctoral Fellow at Sapienza, University of Rome, Department of Ancient World Studies


Professional Training and Other Academic Positions

  • 2022: Training course on “Reading and Interpretation of the ceramic chaînes opératoires”, organised by CNRS, Archéorient and SAVL, Lyon (France)
  • 2015-2016: Fixed-Term Research Contract, Sapienza, University of Rome
  • 2014: Training course on “Archaeometric Approaches to Ceramic Materials”, organised by the University of Paris 1 – Panthéon-Sorbonne and the University Pierre et Marie Curie, Paris


Research Grants, Awards and Scholarship

  • 2022: Grant “Avvio alla Ricerca”, research funding for a postdoctoral research project. Funded Project: An experimental Approach to the Archaeology of Beer in Early Bronze Age Mesopotamia: Functioning and Function of the “four-part sets” and the “two-part sets”
  • 2022: IAA Dissertation Prize 2022 awarded by the International Association of Assyriology for the best PhD dissertation in the field of Assyriology and Mesopotamian Archaeology
  • 2021: Research grant ATLAS, Short-Term Postdoctoral Mobility (outgoing programme) funded by the FMSH (Fondation Maison des Sciences de l’Homme) and Ifpo (Institut français du Proche Orient) for a research stay in Iraqi Kurdistan and South Iraq
  • 2021: IAA Fund for RAI attendance, grant for young PhD scholars for taking part in the Rencontre Assyriologique International (RAI), funded by the International Association of Assyriology
  • 2012-2015: PhD scholarship funded by the Italian Ministry of Education, University and Research (MIUR) for a joint doctoral project at the Sapienza, University of Rome and University of Paris 1, Panthéon-Sorbonne


Participation in Research Projects and Archaeological Fieldworks

  • 2023-: Member of the project FACT_WORK, First proto-industrial ceramic FACTories in the 7th-2nd millennia BCE Mesopotamia and Levant. WORK organisation from the proto-urban settlements to the supra-regional kingdoms. French National Research Agency (ANR) funded programme led by J.S. Baldi (CNRS, Archéorient)
  • 2022: Member of the inter-laboratory project MOM (Maison de l’Orient et de la Méditerranée), CRAFT, Cognitive Research in Archaeology of Fossil Techniques, led by J.S. Baldi (CNRS, Archéorient)
  • 2021-2023: Member of the PRIN project (2017NMK5FE), Fluid Crescent. Water and Life in the Societies of the Ancient Near East, led by D. Nadali (Sapienza, University of Rome). Italian Ministry of Instruction, University and Research (MIUR) funded programme
  • Since 2019: Senior member of the French Archaeological Expedition at Larsa-‘Oueili (Dhi Qar, Iraq), led by R. Vallet (TEMPS, CNRS). Research activities: fieldwork (supervisor Area PZ), in charge of the study and publication of the Early Bronze Age ceramic material
  • Since 2019: Member of the MAFGS, French Archaeological Mission of the Governorate of Sulaymaniyah (Iraqi Kurdistan), led by J. Giraud (Archaïos, VEPMO). Research activities: study and publication of the Bronze Age ceramic material
  • Since 2016: Senior member of the F.Ar.M.Qa.D, French Archaeological Mission in the Western Qara Dagh (Iraqi Kurdistan), led by J.S. Baldi (CNRS, Archéorient). Research activities: fieldwork (Trench E), in charge of the study and publication of the Bronze Age ceramic material, experimental approaches to food and beer production process
  • 2014-2015: Member of the Italian Archaeological Expedition to Tell Zurghul, Ancient Nigin (Dhi Qar, Iraq), led by D. Nadali (Sapienza – University of Rome) and A. Polcaro (University of Perugia). Research activities: fieldwork (supervisor Area C), data elaboration and study of archaeological material
  • Since 2003: archaeological fieldworks and research activities in Iraq (Abu Tbeirah, Tell Zurghul, Tell Senkereh), Syria (Tell Mardikh/Ebla), Jordan (Khirbet al-Batrawy, Tell Abu Habil), and Italy (Mothia, Pieve di Pava, Veio).


Organization of Workshops and Seminars

  • 2023: Workshop Beer Cultures in Bronze Age Mesopotamia. Practices, Traditions, and Trajectories, to be held within the 13th ICAANE, International Congress on the Archaeology of the Ancient Near East [with T. Paulette, North Carolina State University]
  • December 2015: Post-Graduate Seminar. Archaeology of the Ancient Near East, 2014/2015, Rome, 9-10 December 2014. Seminar of the PhD School in Near Eastern Archaeology, Sapienza – University of Rome [with V. Oselini and F. Zaina]
  • December 2014: Post-Graduate Seminar. Archaeology of the Ancient Near East, 2013/2014, Rome, 11-13 December 2013. Seminar of the PhD School in Near Eastern Archaeology, Sapienza – University of Rome [with A. Vacca and F. Zaina]


Conferences Presentation

International Congresses:

  • 2022: Journée ArchéoProduction (Paris)
  • 2022: 7th LAC, International Landscape Archaeology Conference (Romania, online)
  • 2021: 67th RAI, Rencontre Assyriologique Internationale (Turin, online)
  • 2021: 12th ICAANE, International Congress on the Archaeology of the Ancient Near East (Bologna, online)
  • 2019: ICE 1, International Congress The East (Brussels)
  • 2018: 11th ICAANE, International Congress on the Archaeology of the Ancient Near East (Munich)
  • 2016: 10th ICAANE, International Congress on the Archaeology of the Ancient Near East (Vienna)
  • 2011: 4th Broadening Horizons, Conference of Young Researches working in the Ancient Near East, Egypt, and Central Asia (Turin)

National Congresses:

  • 2013: 5th National Congress of Young Archaeologists (Turin)


  • 2016: Seminar of the PhD School ED 112 of the University of Paris 1, Panthéon-Sorbonne (Paris)
  • 2015: Seminar of the PhD School of the EPHE, École Pratique des Hautes Études (Paris)
  • 2015: Post-Graduate Seminar. Archaeology of the Ancient Near East, 2014/2015, Sapienza – University of Rome (Rome)
  • 2014: Post-Graduate Seminar. Archaeology of the Ancient Near East 2013/2014, Sapienza – University of Rome (Rome)


Teaching Activities

  • 2022: Lesson within the university course of Near Eastern Archaeology of Dr M. D’Andrea, Sapienza, University of Rome
  • 2021: Lesson within the university course of Near Eastern Archaeology of Prof. D. Nadali and Dr M. D’Andrea, Sapienza, University of Rome
  • 2015: Lesson within the university course of Near Eastern Archaeology of Dr A. Polcaro, University of Perugia
  • 2012: Seminar Course Archaeological Significance of Ceramic Materials for the staff of SBAH, State Board of Antiquities and Heritage (Iraq) at the University of Nasiriyah (Dhi Qar, Iraq)
  • 2007-2016: Supervision and training of BA and MA students on methods of study and analysis of the archaeological material (Near Eastern Archaeology Lab of Sapienza, University of Rome)