PhD, Middle Eastern Studies, Leiden University. Thesis: “Mongol Loyalty Networks: Cultural Transmission and Chinggisid Innovation”
Master of Arts (Research), Middle Eastern Studies, Leiden University. Thesis, “‘A Pox on the Pax!’: A survey of the Pax Mongolica through Persian, Near Eastern and European sources”
Bachelor of Arts, Mediaeval History, University of St. Andrews
Academic Career
2024---Post-Doctoral Researcher. Oriental Institute. Czech Academy of Sciences.
2023 Research Associate. Institute for Iranian Studies. Austrian Academy of Sciences.
2018-2024 Lecturer. Leiden University.
Courses Taught
BA Module: History of Central Asia and Afghanistan (2020, 2021)- Co-creator and Teacher
BA Module: Empire and Identity in the Turco-Persian World (2018)- Co-creator and Teacher
BA Module: Thesis Seminar BA International Studies, Middle East (2023, 2024-2 Modules)- Course Creator and Teacher
BA Module: The World of Shi’i Islam: History, Art and Culture (2023)- Lecturer
BA Module: Media Persian (2024)- Lecturer
BA Module: History of the Middle East (2020)- Guest Lecturer
MA Module: Turco-Persian Empires (2021)- Course Creator and Teacher
MA Module: Culture and Conquest: The Impact of the Mongols and their Descendants (2019, 2020, 2021, 2022)- Co-creator and Teacher
MA Module: Culture and Conquest: The Impact of the Mongols and their Descendants (2023, 2024)- Guest Lecturer
Selected Presentations
9th European Conference of Iranian Studies, Freie Universität, Berlin, Sep. 2019 ‘Loyalty and Family in Ilkhanid Iran’
Leiden University Center for Islam and Society Lecture, October 2022, ‘Concubines vs. Khatuns: Sexual Slavery and Marriage Policy in the Turco-Mongol Middle East’
III International Multidisciplinary Conference - The Mongols: Tradition and Modernity, University of Tartu, March 2023 ‘Understanding Mongol Political Rituals in Persian Chronicles’
International Medieval Congress, University of Leeds, July 2023 ‘The Aqa and the Khan: A Social and Political Relationship’
10th European Conference of Iranian Studies, Leiden University, The Netherlands, August 2023 ‘Sexual Slaves or Political Stakeholders? Concubines in Mongol Iran’
Central Eurasian Studies Society 2023, University of Pittsburgh, October 2023 ‘Those Exasperating In-Laws: An Oirat Lineage in the Mongol Empire’
Decline and Transition in the History of the Fourteenth Century Chinggisid Khanates, University of Bonn, June 2024 ‘Agents of Crisis or Crisis of Agency? The Treatment of Women in the Works of Ḥamdallāh Mustawfī Qazvīnī’
Rulers’ Biographies in the Pre-Modern Islamicate World, Leiden University, July 2024 ‘Women in Ilkhanid Biographies: Rashid al-Din and Qashani’
‘The Curious Case of the Iniquitous In-laws: Oirat Disloyalty in Mongol Iran’, Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society. Published online (2023), pp. 1-18,